Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Monday, October 30, 2006

This Superstar Loved My E-book!

Some of you remember that over a month ago I was at the Un-Seminar in Austin Texas where I was learning how to build a larger business so that I can impact more and more people to help them live thin without dieting.

In fact, you can see me interviewed in Pat O'Bryan's video at: and while you're there, if you are learning how to build an internet business, Pat's blog is a fabulous resource.

During that wonderful weekend, I had the priviledge to show my Naturally Thin Secrets E-book to the top internet giants, including Pat and Joe Vitale.

Joe was so taken by the E-book idea, that he said that he would love to see the book when I finished. If he liked it, he said he would write a testimonial.

He liked it.

He liked it a lot, and wrote an incredible testimonial.

I just gave it to him Friday and boom, today he wrote me telling me his thoughts!

He said that it was one of the most insightful books on being thin--naturally.

See the rest of what he wrote at:

Here I am with Joe and Pat...

You can hardly see my eyes, I'm so excited to be taking a picture with the two of them!

You can see Joe with Larry King on my site at:

If you haven't had the opportunity to see The Secret you need to run over to It's one of the best movies I've ever seen. I have a few copies, I've had parties over at my house where I've shown the movie. It's excellent!

Have a wonderful day!


P.S. To learn more about Joe Vitale go to and to learn more about Pat Obryan go to

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's Finally Here!!!

It's here!

You've given me lots of tips as to what you'd like to see.

You've helped me create the title.

And now, it's complete.

I've done it!

I've finally created an e-book focused entirely on the thoughts and actions of the naturally thin. It's true. It's a book that doesn't say do this or do that. What this e-book is, is the the compilation of 14 years of research that I've done in interviewing over 70 naturally thin people.

Here are some of the questions I asked numerous thin people:

*How do you know when to eat?
*Do you worry about your weight?
*Do you worry about portion size?
*How do you deal with people pushing food on you?
*Does your weight fluctuate?

These, plus numerous other questions are addressed in this 77 page E-book.

Go to to download it now!


P.S. Last night, my incredible fiance, Al, wanted to celebrate the release of my E-book. He made me dinner and was just so excited that I am now an author. It was pretty darn cute.

After dinner we went out to go have dessert, to further the celebration. He looked at me and said, "Isn't it cool that you just wrote a book on how naturally thin people eat...and we're eating dessert?"

Yes, living naturally thin is a great way to live. No dieting, just eating the foods we love--including dessert!

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Getting Big..

I realized that I just said that...

I was sitting down, thinking of all that's going on in my life and I said...

"I'm getting big"

I said this, and then I had to jump on the computer to write you.

You have to be careful what you ask for right? Isn't that what everyone says. All the incredible experts like Joe Vitale, Stacey Mayo, Zig Ziggler, and others? Don't they all say that you better be very careful what you ask for.

So let me start over...

Thin From Within and are attracting hundreds of thousands of people!

It's true, the business is growing by leaps and bounds. I have more business and clients daily, and all I can say is "Thank you to all of you who are making this a possibility!"

However, if I say that "I'm getting big" I won't have much of a business anymore.

...and I don't want that.
...and I don't want to get big again. I've already been there.

Be careful what you ask for.
Be careful how you set up your mind.
And be specific as to what you want.

Lots of love,

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Are you living out your dreams?

For the past three days I've been very emotional about the fact that I have a book coming out.

You see, for the past several years I've dreamt of writing a book focused entirely on naturally thin people.

The other day I was looking over my goals and objectives that my coach (yes, I have a coach too...I think we all need one) asked me to write down.

Here's what I wrote...

I want to further create Thin From Within and
  • Books
  • Tapes/CD's
  • Affiliate programs

I am proud to say I have all three! I wrote that goal just 5 months ago and look what has been created:

  • I have the 6-week audio available.
  • I created a 6-week seminar series
  • I have audio guided meditations
  • I created a 30-Day Blaster Challenge where people are jazzed about taking the next one
  • Now, comes the book
  • ...and guess what, I have affiliates wanting to promote me

Write down your goals. Sometimes you don't have to know how they mill manifest, but it's cool when they do.

Dream Big!


P.S. I was just interviewed on

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Up Probably Too Close and Personal With Me

Many of you know that I am writing my first e-book!!! Yay! I'm so excited for you all to read about the years and years of research I've put into writing this book.

I'm coming to completion, so I thought I would take you on a journey of what my life is like right now (besides my interviews, client sessions, product development and mastermind group) writing this book.

Here I am, in my t-shirt, hair back....spending long hours in front of the computer. It does kind of look like my right eye is slightly larger then my left....that's funny!

I'm spending close to 12 hours a day working on this book writing and editing, writing and editing, writing and editing.

I can't wait for you to see the final product! It's focused entirely on the thoughts and actions of over 70 naturally thin people that I've interviewed over the past 14 years.

Here's my computer and this is page 60 of the book. Page 60 is approximately where I'm talking about my research around whether or not naturally thin people like their bodies...this is a fun chapter.

Awwww....this is my adorable 3 1/2 year old dog, Finley. He's a border collie-chow mix, I think??The pound had absolutely no information on him except that they picked him up from New Mexico.

He is laying down next to me as I write my book. He patiently awaits one of his daily walks.

That's where things are at...


PS-If you are looking for an immediate way to get started, you can go to: http:www/ and purchase the 6-week audio series for immediate download.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Activate Your Thin-Thinking Thoughts

Think of a time when you were really successful, and I mean really successful! Perhaps it was a sporting event, a debate at school where you won, a performance, receiving a high grade on a test.

What did you do to attain the desired result?

What did it feel like?

What did you believe about yourself?

Didn't feel like you were on top of the world. Like you were unstoppable! That you had life in the palm of your hand? Oh how I the feeling of success. The power I feel when I'm getting what it is that I want.

Visualize your success with your body. What does it feel like to run around thin and feel incredible about your body. What would you have to do to attain this ideal? What would you have to believe about yourself?


PS - If you want to start changing your body, get the 6-week audio download. This way you can start working on your mind (the first week) immediately! It's all explained over at I talk about when to eat, when to stop, I give you tracking sheets to track this process. I talk about anchors and six different types of triggers, I talk about loving your body and protection. I give you some guided meditations, and tons more.