Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do You Attract or Repel Thinness?

I’m fascinated by the naturally thin.

Over the years I've seen that the naturally thin attract thinness without even knowing it!

They do this through their thoughts, words, actions, beliefs which all work harmoniously like a beautiful symphonty to thinness.

I can honestly say that it's a glorious experience when I'm in harmony and a horrible experience
when I'm not!

Through my own experience and struggle with weight, I've learned that at my heaviest: my thoughts about my body were negative, my words were more body-bashing than loving, and my beliefs about being thin was often hopeless and mostly negative. I was also overeating two out of every three meals, so my actions were also out of wack with being thin.

Where are you finding yourself in all of this?

I've found since that time, that any time one of these areas is out of wack - POW, some pounds come rolling back. I'm convinced that it's the Universe's way of telling me that I'm not out of alignment with my thin self - so knock it off!

Learning from the naturally thin is what it's all about! It will transform your life to take on their words, beliefs, and thoughts. These changes have allowed me and countless others to enjoy smaller bodies.

I'm excited to offer a FREE weight loss class sharing my learnings so you can begin your
journey to slim down and feel your best.

Join me on Wednesday, November 18th for a **FREE** call at 6:00 PT/9:00 ET.

I will explain and inspire you to…
1. Learn why diets are just adding to the problem.
2. Learn the two main ingredients you need at every meal.
3. Learn how your mind may be keeping you overweight.
4. Learn 5 key secrets the thin know, that will transform your life.

My focus will be to have you experience rapid weight loss results, and this
call will be your first step to experience your thinness!


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