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Monday, September 14, 2009

Exciting News

I have some exciting news!

I am 14 weeks pregnant and am now joyfully heading into my second trimester after many days of nausea, vomiting and exhaustion. With this great joy, I have to tell you, it hasn’t been as easy for me to accept my growing and changing body.

As someone who has struggled with weight and then lost weight for many years, it’s very strange to see the scale climbing. I recognize that I’ve only gained 3.5 pounds so far, but my waist…well, what waist really?

I now feel for all the women out there who have been pregnant and had their bodies change. Or maybe you’ve never been pregnant or you’re a man, but your body has grown or changed over time. I now really feel for any pain you’ve been going through.

So where is the power in all of our changing bodies?

I was talking to my friend last night, who also happens to be pregnant. We were sharing our worries and fears…and then suddenly I said. “What difference does it make if I worry about my growing body?”

The answer is, “it doesn’t make any difference at all!” I shouted out in glee. It doesn’t matter if I worry like crazy or not. My body will change – it’s a given for a healthy pregnancy.

Your body will change with age – it’s a given.

But are you going to sit there like I was and wine about it? If so, it won’t change a thing right?

How about doing this….1. Wear beautiful undergarments that make you feel sexy and beautiful. 2. Find some lifting and tucking undergarments that make you feel your best in your clothes.
3. Speaking of clothes, look down at yourself right now. Do it! What clothes are you wearing? Do you feel fabulous in them?
4. Use your mind to and words to say as kind and loving words about your body, who you are the person you have become. .

Our bodies change, yes! Some grow larger and some shrink smaller. That’s good news. We can change it!The worry, the mental battle, the fight within is all just a game. A game I’m working very hard not to play right now. I am going to expect the best from my body, I’m going to treat it as the precious gem that it is, and nourish it and listen to it, feed it and move it….and grow this precious little baby inside of me.

….I’m also going to accept the changes, accept the added pounds and do my very best to stay positive and kind to myself.Try accepting yours today, even if it’s just for a second!

To your gem of a body,


P.S. If you'd like to follow me as I go through my pregnancy, log in above and I'll let you know when I have posted something on my pregnancy insights.


Anonymous Callie (Moonpoppy) said...

Whoo! Many congratulations Marna - am so very happy for you!!!! Enjoy the changes as your bambino grows and grows, its the most amazing time in the world!!

12:44 PM

Anonymous Renita Farrall said...

Congratulation Marna that is awesome. Don't worry about the changes, worry about the changes the baby is making as it is growing and receiving the nutrition that you are feeding it.

I have the confidence that you will stay within your Thin Within guidelines and you will come out so much better for it.

The worries never come about and so much for the high school figure anyway. Now you will be the proud mother of a bouncing baby _____. That is so much more worthy and challenging.

I am so excited for you.

Renita Farrall

1:42 PM

Anonymous Julie Coffman said...

Congratulations, Marna! You guys must be so happy! Pregnancy is a time full of joy and change and a thousand other things. I wish you both all the very best and want you to know that you'll be in my thoughts.

My ears are always open if you ever need anything.

Much love!

2:12 PM

Blogger Marna Goldstein Thall said...

Thank you everyone. I am so excited and it feels so wonderful to share this exciting news with you. I also really appreciate your words of wisdom - as you know sooo much more about this whole parenting world than I do! It's so exciting!!! Let it all just continue on this healthy pregnancy road.

3:54 PM

Anonymous Deb said...

Congratulations, Marna. Are you feeling movement yet? Isn't it amazing? You are so right, what's the difference if you worry? Sometimes you'll just worry, and it's nothing to feel guilty about... and other days you won't. Once that belly pops out and you "really" look pregnant, it's probably going to be rather liberating. You CAN"T suck it in, lol, and it's wonderful! Plus, you're obviously pregnant, also wonderful. Enjoy all you can!

9:45 AM


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