Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Monday, August 28, 2006

30-Day Blaster Challenge Is Coming

I am getting so jazzed about the 30-Day Blaster Challenge.

I have been working my tush off getting ready for people to have an extraordinary experience. I'm really committed to the participants dropping a dress-size in 30 days, to learn how to eat like the naturally thin, and to feel hundreds of times better about themselves and their weight.

It's been very fun getting this together. I've never done this particular challenge before and I'm so excited that so many people are participating. The other thing I love is that I will have the opportunity to really get to know some new people, their stories, their struggles and also their successes. That part I really enjoy as well as creating this.

I just completed the bonus recording that goes out on Day One of the Blaster Challenge. I have in the recording a guided meditation that will help set the stage for their success, which I know people love.

I'm getting ready to go head to Minnesota in the morning so I'm off to go pack.


P.S. The 30-day weight challenge details are at:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Little Known Secret To How I Got Started...

Many people, not even most of my friends know how I got started coaching people in this area of non-diet weight loss...

Nine years ago I had a small scare with cancer. At the time, my grandmother was dying of lung cancer and so all I saw around me was cancer, cancer, cancer. It was a scary time. I felt lonely and worried. I never thought I'd hear the word cancer, no less hear it from the Dr. about me.

I am absolutely fine now. All clear! No worries. That year of the scare (1998), and at age 22, I quit my job and decided to pursue the one thing that I knew...that men and women should stop dieting and start living like naturally thin people. You never know when you are going to breathe your last breath and I wanted to pursue something that I was passionate about! Nine years later I am still totally committed to natural weight loss, I still absolutely hate diets and still feel the incredible passion for each and every client I see (in fact, I think it grows with time).

I was recently interviewed by wonderful woman Lizza, the owner of (stands for Weight Loss Tips) where some of these details came out. She's a fabulous woman with a brilliant idea. She basically interviews people who have been successful in keeping their weight off for years. I am honored and blessed that she chose to interview me.

You can see the full interview at:


P.S. My grandmother, sadly did pass away a year after starting Thin From Within (It was called Model Image then because I thought we all have a Model Image that we'd like to attain...well everyone thought it was a modeling agency. That was one of my first of many lessons through owning a business). My initial snail-mail newsletters were dedicated to her. My beautiful grandmother did see me start the business and witness my dedication to her. She was the single biggest loss in my life thus far. I think about and miss her daily!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hear my Seminar at the OH Expo for FREE!

This past Saturday I had the wonderful privilege of speaking at the OH Expo here in Castle Rock, Colorado. The day was raining, the day was cool, but The OH (Organic and Holistic ) Expo was full of warmth and joy.

There were tons of wonderful people and great venders. One of my favorites was a woman by the name of Sweet Thunder. She creates magnificent works of art focused on you, who you are and the energy around you. She was able to see things I couldn't believe. If you have a love for metaphysics and art you should definitely, email her at:

I was fortunate to be asked to speak at the OH Expo regarding the Secrets of the Naturally Thin. Here's a download. It's about 27 minutes and free to you!



P.S. Have you signed up for the September Blaster Challenge at:

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Is An Enormous Hug Enough?

I just can't believe my life...

I have a blog!! I have a blog!! I'm jumping around if you can't tell. Just months ago, I had no idea what a blog was. Now, I sit in my comfy workout clothes, my long brunette with blond-highlighted hair amess on top of my head writing my first blog. Wow!

I have to tell you, I feel a little naked. Now you're really going to get to know me in an entirely new way because I'm committed to you hearing the goods, the bads and the everythings (I know that's not a word)!

I hope what you'll also get a sense of my humor, my sarcasm, my love for mankind (most days)and who I am in a whole new way.

For those of you know me, you know I'm the graditude queen, so I thought it fit to say thank you! Yes, YOU!! I'm so grateful that you enjoy my writings, my audios, my seminar series, or my coaching enough that you want even more. I can't thank you enough.

Well I can guarantee, you're going to get a whole lot more of me then you probably even want. My clients often want to know every detail about how I lost weight, how much I eat, if I exercise, everything! So here you go, this will allow all of you to learn more about who I am and all the little details of information that you want.

Thank you for registering. Thank you for coming to my blog! I hope you enjoy!

Warm Wishes,
