Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

You Won't Gain A Pound This Thanksgiving - Here's Why

It's Thanksgiving time where we enjoy yummy homemade pies and aromas that fill our homes.
It's also a time of year where I see my weight loss coaching business skyrocket due to fears, negative self-talk, and increased weight gain.

Here's what I have for you to get you through Thanksgiving:

EAT!! Delicious Thanksgiving food is not just for the skinny! No, no, no. It's for you too.

There's a tendency to think you can't eat these foods or you'll pack on 3-5 pounds. Well let me tell you, if you're eating style, you'll have no problem. Why? Because if you've been part of ThinWithinU or you know that you can't pack on pounds unless you're overeating, binge eating, eating for emotional reasons or NOT listening to your body.

AND since you know how to knock those behaviors off while becoming naturally gorgeous (and if you don't know how to kick overeating, binge eating and emotional eating in the tush then we've got to to become a member of ThinWithinU and start tuning in to my classes) then just go out and eat like the thin do. They don't think twice about Thanksgiving.

I'm going to do this...I'm going to ask my husband a few questions...he's 1000% NATURALLY THIN and I learn from tons from him every day....

"Hey Josh, are you worried about gaining weight over Thanksgiving?"

- "NO"

"Do you think you'll gain weight this Thanksgiving?"


"Are you going to eat Thanksgiving foods and desserts?"

-"Probably - I guess it depends what we end up doing and how hungry I am."

"Do you even like Thanksgiving foods?"

-"Yeah. I love mashed potatoes, pies, turkey, stuffing, all of it really."

"Thanks for answering those questions - go back to doing what you were doing."

Even though I asked him in the middle of something (thus the ever-so-short
responses), you can see how it's not even a thought in his head. He'll eat as a skinny person and that's that. Nothing more.

Stop worrying about added pounds, added weight - or guess what, YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT and I don't want you to do that.

Let Thanksgiving be about honoring your body and living thin. Think thin and you will do just great. Just incorporate all the thin ways that I've been teaching you for years and if you aren't sure how to get thin or think thin or live thin, I'm happy to offer those of you serious about receiving coaching, a free coaching session.

Wishing you and your families a bright, beautiful and slim Thanksgiving!