Are you living out your dreams?
For the past three days I've been very emotional about the fact that I have a book coming out.
You see, for the past several years I've dreamt of writing a book focused entirely on naturally thin people.
The other day I was looking over my goals and objectives that my coach (yes, I have a coach too...I think we all need one) asked me to write down.
Here's what I wrote...
I want to further create Thin From Within and
- Books
- Tapes/CD's
- Affiliate programs
I am proud to say I have all three! I wrote that goal just 5 months ago and look what has been created:
- I have the 6-week audio available.
- I created a 6-week seminar series
- I have audio guided meditations
- I created a 30-Day Blaster Challenge where people are jazzed about taking the next one
- Now, comes the book
- ...and guess what, I have affiliates wanting to promote me
Write down your goals. Sometimes you don't have to know how they mill manifest, but it's cool when they do.
Dream Big!
P.S. I was just interviewed on
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