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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What's The Key To Success...

For the past many years I've wondered what the key to success is. Here is my thought...


This weekend when I was learning with top internet gurus...they had the same question, "What's Next?" Don't we all do that? We begin to change how we think about our bodies and then we say, "What's Next?"

I guess it became abundantly clear this weekend that there's nowhere we end up, it's simply the journey that is so incredible. If you don't enjoy the journey of your weight loss, of your dropping pound-by-pound, then this journey is going to be far less enjoyable!

The people I meet, the opportunities that I am attracting, is all because of my openness to accept and enjoy the journey.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not just sitting back and letting life just roll by...I'm taking action. Just as when I lost weight, I had to take action.

What's your journey?

Here are some pictures of my weekend:

Here I am with Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan:

Joe (on the right) was in The Secret and wrote the best selling book over Harry Potter called, The Attractor Factor. Visit

Pat (on the left) is an internet genius who had a 6-figure month in July. He put on the UnSeminar and it was a total blast. You can can see Pat at:

Both are incredible and I learned a great deal from both!

Here I am with Maverick Marketing giant, Craig Perrine.

You can see his site at:

He is an internet genius that is just in his late 30's and has done so well for himself that he bought a HUGE RV and drove it around the country for nearly 6-weeks.

Here's kind of a fuzzy shot of me with Bill Hibbler. He just wrote the book, Meet and Grow Rich with Joe Vitale. The whole book is about the power of the Mastermind. It's such a brilliant concept, that my mastermind group is starting soon.

You can see Bill's Amazon profile at:

Well, that's where my journey leaves off..or begins...whichever you prefer!



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