Success and the Law of Attraction
I have been studying the Law of Attraction and how it pertains to weight loss for the past few months. I will be talking more and more about this over the next few months and will be incorporating more of this school of thought into seminars and my practice.
I want to tell you about an exciting opportunity:
My good friend Amy Grant and Law of Attraction expert, Michael Losier are going to be speaking on September 13, to bring you the ultimate law of attraction class with a focus on what it takes to achieve success (they'll also explain why your affirmations aren't working as well as you'd like!).
Amy and Michael are limiting the call to only 300 participants, and I am able to give out only 100 spots as a gift -- at no cost to you (regular long distance charges may apply).
You’ve got 2 chances to listen in live, but each call is limited to only 300 participants, and we’ll certainly max out the lines, so be sure to sign up today.
Success and the Law of Attraction
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
12Noon Eastern or 9PM Eastern
You must go here to register and reserve your space for this exciting call:
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