Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Free Hugs

Wow, have you seen this?

This guy, Brad Yates is definitely in on the Plot to Save the World.

Please share this with folks or have them come here: to view this.

But if it affects you even a little the way it did me, I think you'll want others to have that experience as well. Enjoy this video...

In joy and love,

Marna Goldstein

P.S. I'll be announcing something very exciting on Monday

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What's The Key To Success...

For the past many years I've wondered what the key to success is. Here is my thought...


This weekend when I was learning with top internet gurus...they had the same question, "What's Next?" Don't we all do that? We begin to change how we think about our bodies and then we say, "What's Next?"

I guess it became abundantly clear this weekend that there's nowhere we end up, it's simply the journey that is so incredible. If you don't enjoy the journey of your weight loss, of your dropping pound-by-pound, then this journey is going to be far less enjoyable!

The people I meet, the opportunities that I am attracting, is all because of my openness to accept and enjoy the journey.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not just sitting back and letting life just roll by...I'm taking action. Just as when I lost weight, I had to take action.

What's your journey?

Here are some pictures of my weekend:

Here I am with Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan:

Joe (on the right) was in The Secret and wrote the best selling book over Harry Potter called, The Attractor Factor. Visit

Pat (on the left) is an internet genius who had a 6-figure month in July. He put on the UnSeminar and it was a total blast. You can can see Pat at:

Both are incredible and I learned a great deal from both!

Here I am with Maverick Marketing giant, Craig Perrine.

You can see his site at:

He is an internet genius that is just in his late 30's and has done so well for himself that he bought a HUGE RV and drove it around the country for nearly 6-weeks.

Here's kind of a fuzzy shot of me with Bill Hibbler. He just wrote the book, Meet and Grow Rich with Joe Vitale. The whole book is about the power of the Mastermind. It's such a brilliant concept, that my mastermind group is starting soon.

You can see Bill's Amazon profile at:

Well, that's where my journey leaves off..or begins...whichever you prefer!


Friday, September 22, 2006

My Perpetual State of Bliss

I really can't believe I'm here.

It's almost 2:00 a.m. and I'm here in Austin Texas. I've never been to Austin before and I'm having a ball.

I'm learning from some of the most incredible people I know in the field of marketing and business development.

You may or may not know this, but I feel one of the reasons I'm here on Earth is to globally help people to stop dieting and start living happy abundant lives. That's it! That's what I am here to do.

In order to get people to stop dieting, I'm gaining skills from e-marketing and development gurus such as Joe Vitale, Craig Perrine, Bill Hibbler and Pat O'Bryan. These gurus are incredible..

What's more is that Joe Vitale, (the author of too many books to name, and definitely one of my The Attractor Factor at had heard of my successful 6-week seminar that I did last month!

That's's huge! He's in the movie The Secret and yet knows of the work I'm doing??? Pat O'Bryan, who pulled in 6-figures last month, also knew of the work I had been doing with Amy Grant.

I can't believe how lucky I am.

Another crazy thing happend today.

I met all these people who want to partner with me. People who have clients that they know could use some help.

This is getting big! I'm already almost booked up solid and now I'm going to have to figure out how I'm going to be able to work with even more people.

I guess that saying is true, "Be careful what you wish for."

My wish is coming true.

Stay tuned to all the big and exciting things to come. You'll been wanting a book.. You've been wanting more audios....

Wishing you happiness, joy and all that you desire,

P.S. Can you tell I'm on cloud nine?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Success and the Law of Attraction

I have been studying the Law of Attraction and how it pertains to weight loss for the past few months. I will be talking more and more about this over the next few months and will be incorporating more of this school of thought into seminars and my practice.

I want to tell you about an exciting opportunity:

My good friend Amy Grant and Law of Attraction expert, Michael Losier are going to be speaking on September 13, to bring you the ultimate law of attraction class with a focus on what it takes to achieve success (they'll also explain why your affirmations aren't working as well as you'd like!).

Amy and Michael are limiting the call to only 300 participants, and I am able to give out only 100 spots as a gift -- at no cost to you (regular long distance charges may apply).

You’ve got 2 chances to listen in live, but each call is limited to only 300 participants, and we’ll certainly max out the lines, so be sure to sign up today.

Success and the Law of Attraction
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
12Noon Eastern or 9PM Eastern

You must go here to register and reserve your space for this exciting call:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Focused on Your Fat?

When you stand in the mirror, do you focus on your lumps and bumps or do you focus on your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous glowing skin or your beautifully painted toe nails?

Isn't it amazing that the second you stand in front of a mirror, your eyes zone in to the parts of you that you don't love.

How about changing that?

Really! Why don't you start focusing in on your beautiful parts. Notice your little belly, your gorgeous neckline or perhaps your stunning hair. Stop focusing on the negative. If you were a child I would be giving you praise and love and focusing your strengths rather then your weaknesses, so knock it off.

You are fabulous!



This is my first time doing the 30-Day Blaster Challenge and I have tons of people signed up! The exciting news is that they're loving it. I'm finding that being able to read the daily emails and emailing me provides an interactive and powerful way to zapp off pounds.

I will probably be doing another one in November or March.