Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to Eat Mouth Watering Stuffing at Thanksgiving, Without Getting Stuffed?

Everyone loves Thanksgiving, don’t they? Yet there have been plenty of holiday meals where many have felt like large rolly pollies complete with hands on our aching, protruding bellies. Pants are stretched out to maximum capacity by the time the end of the holidays roll around, from all the stuffing, turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie -- just some of the fabulous delicacies that make holiday meals absolutely scrumptious.

What if this holiday season you could enjoy all these delicious foods, but not overdo it? Yes, eat and enjoy, but know that by January 1st you won't be looking for a weight loss plan to take all that holiday weight off. This holiday will be different for you. We know t it can! Here are five (5) tips to keep you feeling in tip-top shape both mind and body:

1. Differentiate between loving food and NEEDING food. It’s critical to get a handle on holiday foods by making sure you do up-front mental and emotional clearings before walking into a whole house full of “trigger-foods”. Turkey, stuffing and pecan pies are delicious - but if you are feeling physically, emotionally, or psychologically drawn to these foods, then you must get these balanced out so you enjoy these without HAVING to devour every single morsel.

2. Have you ever noticed that you overdo your eating out of habit, even when there is no logical reason for it? For example, every holiday season you absentmindedly overeat at Aunt Selma’s house and it’s just the way it is. It’s as if you set yourself up to fail or overeat just because it’s the thing to do. What if it weren’t? What if the thing to do was to stay in harmony with your body – feeling totally confident that you would eat what your body needs and not an ounce more? This automatic way of overeating during the holiday season is due to your cellular memory around this time of year. Your cells have become accustomed to overeating out of habit - it's what we call you "cellular memory". This memory is entirely unconscious and both your mind and your body will continue to repeat these old holiday patterns because your cellular memory is literally in the groove of having it this way. As you change your cells and their vibration, then you change this memory and your holiday eating outcome.

3. Begin clearing your holiday food triggers on ALL levels: the physical body is where you hold childhood and adolescent food triggers. The physical body cares primarily about keeping you protected and safe. The emotional body holds on to foods for comfort and soothing; mainly anything that is missing from the emotional body. The mental body holds on to food for either frustrated or boredom. Frustration being a conflicting emotion between what you desire and what you should do; like when you really want to go to sleep, but it's 3:00 in the afternoon and you have tons on your plate so you can’t. As you begin identifying which body the craving originates from, you can clear the source of the craving and by clearing on ALL levels, you can have permanent results.

4. Find a program that will help you achieve permanent results. YOU are an individual, and YOU need an individualized method for tapping into why you lose focus and ultimately end up eating too much. Tapping into your OWN infinite wisdom or finding someone to help you do so can be extremely helpful in finding exactly what works for you and your body this holiday season. Using a technique that goes directly to the original source -- the exact moment when you created the craving or need for these trigger foods (even if you aren't consciously aware of when that was!) And going back to the originating event is what helps you to clear it permanently. EFT and other clearing practices can be a great way to see permanent or semi-permanent results. This holiday season make sure you find a program or strategy that sticks.

5 . Recent research has established that overweight people overeat because their food cravings are controlled by the same part of the brain that control drug cravings in addicts. This brain circuitry located in the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is also involved with emotion. It's no wonder that during the holiday season your brain circuitry is driven wild by all the foods that are constantly being placed in front of you - whether it's a holiday meal, massive amounts of extra food at the office, or commercials everywhere encouraging you to buy, buy, buy. These powerful findings acknowledge and reinforce the fact that dealing with emotions is not only powerful, but necessary. Using energy work along side cognitive and behavioral coaching to conquer food cravings will help you eliminate and clear blocked food cravings so you can experience the holiday season with freedom, joy and thinness.

Non-Diet Diva Marna Goldstein Thall and Belief-Shifting Expert Amy Scott Grant have teamed up to create a powerful technology to permanently clear food triggers and addictions. Learn more about the “Free From Food” audio program by visiting this site:

Love ya,

Friday, November 07, 2008

7 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Weight Loss Goals

Here are seven super ways for you to begin seeing faster, more permanent weight loss goals.

1. Create a visual of your best self. Has it been awhile since you’ve seen your body look the way you want it to? Cut out a magazine photo of your desired body, chop off the head and put your smiling face in its place. This will be a great daily reminder of where you’re headed.

2. Multiply your efforts by teaching others to eat, think and live naturally thin. As the saying goes “Repetition is the Mother of All Learning”. Become a support group leader to reinforce your actions. Sign up today at:

3. Keep on top of your goals. After your body goals are crafted keep them at bay. Try on those “skinny jeans” each Friday and watch your legs begin to glide into your goal pants. Using a tape measure can also be effective. Use a tape measure the largest part of your upper arm and leg, under your bust and the smallest part of your waist.

4. Focus on your best body features. Keep in mind that you have some fantastic features, so make sure they get attention every day. Focus on your best features by commenting on them, loving them, massaging them and just plain noticing them. Remember, what you focus on expands.

5. Trust your body to change. If you criticize everything you put into your mouth, you will fail to slim down, period. Begin trusting your body to guide toward thinness. Just listen. There’s not one diet that could tell you more about your body than you already know.

6. Increase your support network. Everything is more enjoyable when you have a supportive cheerleading squad. Whether your goals include working out, learning to eat differently, or eating slim, a supportive environment will step-up your results. We have a supportive environment right here at

7. Train yourself to speak kinder about your body. Keep on top of yourself to body-loving. I know you’ve looked back at old photos when you thought you were fat, but you weren’t! If you have been sending negative messages to your body for years – now is the perfect time to stop. It only makes you heavier.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This Election Was About Promise and Potential

With the turnout of the election on everyone's mind, I thought I would share with you
a beautiful email written by my good friend Andy...

"I started and stopped drafting this e-mail several times this morning, as I'm a little overwhelmed by the moment and its implications for not only our great country, but the world at large.

You see, this election wasn't just about an African-American candidate, or a war hero, or even a governor from Alaska. It was about promise and potential; about the chance to look at the ways we can reform the process of government and being governed; about how small steps can add up to major, previously inconceivable, opportunities for the disenfranchised; about how every person on this planet is created equal and has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That last phrase - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - I'm sure you agree with its premise, but perhaps you think it's a little idealistic given the realities of our world and the lure that power can have for the few that grab it at the expense of the many. I wonder sometimes if our jaded, cynical nature hinders our ability to see the opportunities that are right in front of us.

This morning, however, hope has overcome cynicism. Truth has overcome stereotype. The rhetoric of fear has been replaced with an innate sense possibility. And for the first time in my life, I feel a tangible, moral obligation to participate in, rather than merely commentate on, the change happening in our country.

After every election, we hear that the time has come to unite behind the winner, to reach across the aisle to create meaningful change, to put aside the slings and arrows that mark every political debate, to step forward as a nation rather than factions who point fingers at those who don't hold the same beliefs. Today, that call is more important than its ever been, and it's something that's relevant - and recognized - on a global level.

Certainly, there is a lot of work to do. Our economy is in ruins. Our education system is broken. Healthcare is expensive and out of reach for a growing portion of our citizenry. Social Security will be bankrupt sooner than most of us want to admit. Terrorism is alive and it's not going away. The deterioration of the environment is real and our "footprint" will impact not only our experience in this world, but that of our children and grandchildren as well.

As I think about each of these issues, it is easy to get bogged down in the enormity of it all, to wonder how we even begin to address these problems. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like we've just reached a new starting line, and the rules of engagement have changed. In 1965, we passed the Voting Rights Act, and less than 50 years later we have an African American president. That was a new starting line in history and look where we are today.

Hopefully, 50 years from now the sentiment will be, "why was the 2008 election such a big deal?" If that comes to pass, it means we'll have built on this latest step forward to create a new reality - a reality that is based on hope and opportunity, on "why not?" rather than "no chance."

We have a long road ahead of us and we will all make mistakes in our pursuit of change. But it's not how we place blame for those mistakes that will matter most - it's how we learn from our mistakes and take meaningful, corrective action that's the real imperative.

The campaign for change is over, but the fun is just getting started. Americans are known for sacrificing and working hard when the dream is there for the taking. I hope you'll join me in the pursuit."


Monday, November 03, 2008

My 7 Keys To Finding Mr. Right

Now that the wedding is over, life is back to normal
and I'm inspired to share with you some thoughts
on relationships.
Many of you were wondering what my husband looks
like, so I posted a picture of us so you could see him.
This picture was taken in Downtown Denver and
is one of my favorite engagement pictures.

I know I typically talk about eating, food,
losing weight and living thin-but today
for some strange reason, I'm particularly
interested in talking about relationships.

I've been in a bunch of relationships, but
why does this one work over all the others
I've been in?

Are you trying to figure out some things
in your relationship?

Here are a few things I have learned
in my long journey to finding my husband:

1. Do you have similar values - in your core,
are your values similar?

2. I truly believe that love is not enough.
I've been in love before but those relationships
would have struggled because the only thing we had
was love. Do you have similar friends, families
that love and support you, a community, similar
religion...I believe other connections need to be
in place to keep you tied together besides your love.

3. Do you trust your partner 100%? I've been
cheated on, I've been lied to, I've been kept in
the dark...and they all suck! Does your partner
reveal everything to you? Do you feel that you
could trust your significant other with anything
and everything?

4. Do you feel your best when you're with your
significant other? Okay, I'm not saying we
don't get irritated with one another, because we
most certainly do, but I feel like the sexiest,
happiest, cutest thing around. When you're together,
do you mostly feel happy, joyful, and supported
to be your best self?

5. Does your partner want to be with you? I know
this sounds silly, but I've been with people who
have enjoyed being with me, but my husband
LOVES being with me. He loves our partnership,
couldn't wait to get married, lives and breathes
for my happiness (as I his), and it's not unhealthy
in's just that we're eachother's top
priority-no questions asked. You want a partner
that you don't have to guess with; that you just
know loves you to pieces! You deserve it.

6. You can move through fights. I'm a
tough cookie who's quite stubborn and you
may be too. I have found that the difference between
my current relationship vs. others, is that we
can move through fights easily. We get angry (well
me mostly), we talk through it and pow -it's done.
If you can't move through fights and find that it takes
days to recover or the silent treatment takes hold for
days, should be easier!

7. Which leads me to the seventh and final major learning-
A relationship should be pretty darn easy. Most relationships
I've been in have been pretty tough, and when you're
with the right person, it's pretty darn easy. It's not to say
you don't have your moments, but mostly, things come easy.

Wishing you love and happiness always.