7 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Weight Loss Goals
Here are seven super ways for you to begin seeing faster, more permanent weight loss goals.
1. Create a visual of your best self. Has it been awhile since you’ve seen your body look the way you want it to? Cut out a magazine photo of your desired body, chop off the head and put your smiling face in its place. This will be a great daily reminder of where you’re headed.
2. Multiply your efforts by teaching others to eat, think and live naturally thin. As the saying goes “Repetition is the Mother of All Learning”. Become a support group leader to reinforce your actions. Sign up today at: http://www.thinwithin.com/groups.htm
3. Keep on top of your goals. After your body goals are crafted keep them at bay. Try on those “skinny jeans” each Friday and watch your legs begin to glide into your goal pants. Using a tape measure can also be effective. Use a tape measure the largest part of your upper arm and leg, under your bust and the smallest part of your waist.
4. Focus on your best body features. Keep in mind that you have some fantastic features, so make sure they get attention every day. Focus on your best features by commenting on them, loving them, massaging them and just plain noticing them. Remember, what you focus on expands.
5. Trust your body to change. If you criticize everything you put into your mouth, you will fail to slim down, period. Begin trusting your body to guide toward thinness. Just listen. There’s not one diet that could tell you more about your body than you already know.
6. Increase your support network. Everything is more enjoyable when you have a supportive cheerleading squad. Whether your goals include working out, learning to eat differently, or eating slim, a supportive environment will step-up your results. We have a supportive environment right here at http://www.ThinWithinU.com
7. Train yourself to speak kinder about your body. Keep on top of yourself to body-loving. I know you’ve looked back at old photos when you thought you were fat, but you weren’t! If you have been sending negative messages to your body for years – now is the perfect time to stop. It only makes you heavier.
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