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Monday, November 03, 2008

My 7 Keys To Finding Mr. Right

Now that the wedding is over, life is back to normal
and I'm inspired to share with you some thoughts
on relationships.
Many of you were wondering what my husband looks
like, so I posted a picture of us so you could see him.
This picture was taken in Downtown Denver and
is one of my favorite engagement pictures.

I know I typically talk about eating, food,
losing weight and living thin-but today
for some strange reason, I'm particularly
interested in talking about relationships.

I've been in a bunch of relationships, but
why does this one work over all the others
I've been in?

Are you trying to figure out some things
in your relationship?

Here are a few things I have learned
in my long journey to finding my husband:

1. Do you have similar values - in your core,
are your values similar?

2. I truly believe that love is not enough.
I've been in love before but those relationships
would have struggled because the only thing we had
was love. Do you have similar friends, families
that love and support you, a community, similar
religion...I believe other connections need to be
in place to keep you tied together besides your love.

3. Do you trust your partner 100%? I've been
cheated on, I've been lied to, I've been kept in
the dark...and they all suck! Does your partner
reveal everything to you? Do you feel that you
could trust your significant other with anything
and everything?

4. Do you feel your best when you're with your
significant other? Okay, I'm not saying we
don't get irritated with one another, because we
most certainly do, but I feel like the sexiest,
happiest, cutest thing around. When you're together,
do you mostly feel happy, joyful, and supported
to be your best self?

5. Does your partner want to be with you? I know
this sounds silly, but I've been with people who
have enjoyed being with me, but my husband
LOVES being with me. He loves our partnership,
couldn't wait to get married, lives and breathes
for my happiness (as I his), and it's not unhealthy
in's just that we're eachother's top
priority-no questions asked. You want a partner
that you don't have to guess with; that you just
know loves you to pieces! You deserve it.

6. You can move through fights. I'm a
tough cookie who's quite stubborn and you
may be too. I have found that the difference between
my current relationship vs. others, is that we
can move through fights easily. We get angry (well
me mostly), we talk through it and pow -it's done.
If you can't move through fights and find that it takes
days to recover or the silent treatment takes hold for
days, should be easier!

7. Which leads me to the seventh and final major learning-
A relationship should be pretty darn easy. Most relationships
I've been in have been pretty tough, and when you're
with the right person, it's pretty darn easy. It's not to say
you don't have your moments, but mostly, things come easy.

Wishing you love and happiness always.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marna, thanks for this brilliant piece about relationships! I totally agree... it SHOULD be this easy! Congratulations on allowing yourself to receive this gift!

12:30 PM

Blogger Elizabeth Sadhu said...

Thanks Marna! This is super! You are very correct! I have been with my wonderful hubby for almost 18 years and it gets better all the time. We mostly don't fight at all but it reflects what you said if we did. AND what we mostly do is LAUGH! We also dance a lot, read a lot, hang out together a lot and just plain have fun together and love each other unconditionally.
Thanks for sharing your very cute and sweet photo as well. I love the black and white especially. I am a Portrait Photographer with my hubby as a side business for us and our favorite is B & W .

happy day to you and all.

2:12 PM


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