Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Metabolism - From Abraham

I thought this was a fun quote from Abraham that I found in my email today. Hopefully you will like it too:

Metabolism is vibrational response to your moment in time. Metabolism is the way the Energy is moving through your body. And so, everything is in response to the way you feel -- everything is. Everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good--and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.
--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002 #268

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mindless Eating? What's Eating You?

Tonight I'm going to be leading a call on Mindless Eating - What's Eating You.

I would really like to hear from you if there's been anything that's been eating you.

If you've been eating for any other reason besides hunger, what's going on? Is it stress, is it a relationship, is it family, what is it?

Share with me on my blog.

You are not alone and it's so important for you to take the time to identify what's been going on with you and your eating habits as of late.

Then, join me for tonight's call at 8:00 Eastern Time where I will provide some things for you
to consider and we will discuss various ways to take your control back - because once you do, the pounds will start falling off.

To take part in this call, join ThinWithinU and enjoy the next few calls focused on:

* Top Researched Strategies To Avoid Mindless Eating
* Going From Mindless to Mindful Eating – Using Your Breath
* Mindless Eating – Where is It Still Popping It’s Head
* Aligning with Awareness to Experience Your Freedom

Let me know, what's been eating you in the comments section below.

Friday, November 20, 2009

You Won't Gain A Pound This Thanksgiving - Here's Why

It's Thanksgiving time where we enjoy yummy homemade pies and aromas that fill our homes.
It's also a time of year where I see my weight loss coaching business skyrocket due to fears, negative self-talk, and increased weight gain.

Here's what I have for you to get you through Thanksgiving:

EAT!! Delicious Thanksgiving food is not just for the skinny! No, no, no. It's for you too.

There's a tendency to think you can't eat these foods or you'll pack on 3-5 pounds. Well let me tell you, if you're eating style, you'll have no problem. Why? Because if you've been part of ThinWithinU or you know that you can't pack on pounds unless you're overeating, binge eating, eating for emotional reasons or NOT listening to your body.

AND since you know how to knock those behaviors off while becoming naturally gorgeous (and if you don't know how to kick overeating, binge eating and emotional eating in the tush then we've got to to become a member of ThinWithinU and start tuning in to my classes) then just go out and eat like the thin do. They don't think twice about Thanksgiving.

I'm going to do this...I'm going to ask my husband a few questions...he's 1000% NATURALLY THIN and I learn from tons from him every day....

"Hey Josh, are you worried about gaining weight over Thanksgiving?"

- "NO"

"Do you think you'll gain weight this Thanksgiving?"


"Are you going to eat Thanksgiving foods and desserts?"

-"Probably - I guess it depends what we end up doing and how hungry I am."

"Do you even like Thanksgiving foods?"

-"Yeah. I love mashed potatoes, pies, turkey, stuffing, all of it really."

"Thanks for answering those questions - go back to doing what you were doing."

Even though I asked him in the middle of something (thus the ever-so-short
responses), you can see how it's not even a thought in his head. He'll eat as a skinny person and that's that. Nothing more.

Stop worrying about added pounds, added weight - or guess what, YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT and I don't want you to do that.

Let Thanksgiving be about honoring your body and living thin. Think thin and you will do just great. Just incorporate all the thin ways that I've been teaching you for years and if you aren't sure how to get thin or think thin or live thin, I'm happy to offer those of you serious about receiving coaching, a free coaching session.

Wishing you and your families a bright, beautiful and slim Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Inspired Weight Loss

I’m not sure if you watched Oprah the other day, butI had to write about inspired weight loss after hearing who she had on.

The other day she had on Stephenie Meyer, the author of all the incredibly-popular Twilight book series turned movie series.

Stephenie had never written a book, a short-story or novel. Yet out of sheer inspiration she began writing and writing and writing. She didn’t even tell her husband what she was doing because she felt he wouldn’t understand her writing about vampires for the sake of inspiration and imagination. Amazing things happen to people when they work out of inspiration!

I've heard countless success stories that seem like "accidents" but are successes out of inspiration. Inspired weight loss is no different! When you’re in the weight loss zone, the writing zone, the manifestation zone, the business growth zone, or whatever space in your life you are coming from out of inspiration – things just work.

When I created the 30-Day Blaster Challenge it was effortless, it came from inspiration and it’s my top selling product.

For the last 16 years I've been inspired to understand the inner workings of the thin. I'm so inspired by them that it's been effortless for me to learn from them and then personally following suit to see my body slim down. It's all been out of total inspiration. Deep inside of me I just knew this was the way. I knew it made sense and I knew I could lose weight this way – so I did!

There’s a part of your life where you are living by inspired action and things just work for you. Maybe it’s work, maybe it’s school, maybe it’s your marriage, maybe it’s your self-confidence, maybe it’s that you’re an incredible business owner, or maybe you attract wealth wherever you go.

I hope you know that you can enjoy inspired weight loss too. Your body is the most magical and incredible machine ever! Pair it with your mind and watch out!

So the big question is....are you inspired?

I hope on Wednesday I’ll give you something to be inspired about on my FREE call. My intention is to get you feeling inspired to take action, see results and have it be an effortless process.

Join me and begin your journey to experience inspired rapid weight loss.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do You Attract or Repel Thinness?

I’m fascinated by the naturally thin.

Over the years I've seen that the naturally thin attract thinness without even knowing it!

They do this through their thoughts, words, actions, beliefs which all work harmoniously like a beautiful symphonty to thinness.

I can honestly say that it's a glorious experience when I'm in harmony and a horrible experience
when I'm not!

Through my own experience and struggle with weight, I've learned that at my heaviest: my thoughts about my body were negative, my words were more body-bashing than loving, and my beliefs about being thin was often hopeless and mostly negative. I was also overeating two out of every three meals, so my actions were also out of wack with being thin.

Where are you finding yourself in all of this?

I've found since that time, that any time one of these areas is out of wack - POW, some pounds come rolling back. I'm convinced that it's the Universe's way of telling me that I'm not out of alignment with my thin self - so knock it off!

Learning from the naturally thin is what it's all about! It will transform your life to take on their words, beliefs, and thoughts. These changes have allowed me and countless others to enjoy smaller bodies.

I'm excited to offer a FREE weight loss class sharing my learnings so you can begin your
journey to slim down and feel your best.

Join me on Wednesday, November 18th for a **FREE** call at 6:00 PT/9:00 ET.

I will explain and inspire you to…
1. Learn why diets are just adding to the problem.
2. Learn the two main ingredients you need at every meal.
3. Learn how your mind may be keeping you overweight.
4. Learn 5 key secrets the thin know, that will transform your life.

My focus will be to have you experience rapid weight loss results, and this
call will be your first step to experience your thinness!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Breaking Free From Mindless and Emotional Eating

I've been working like a dog today and having so much fun!

If you don't love what you do, you gotta find a better job. There's nothing I enjoy more then thinking about all the fun ways I can help people transform their bodies and lives for the better.

I've been working on my logo for the new seminar coming up - here it is:

If you have no idea what class I'm talking about, then you've got to go here.
Monday we're going to blast through any mindless or emotional eating tendencies. We're going to explore what is going and get to the core of this.
So many people want a different relationship with food, but don't know where to start. They start off saying "today's going to be a good food day" and then a few hours later they hunt for something sweet.
The HUNT is what we've got to look at...
If you'd like me to help you hunt for what's going on, don't miss out. Join us.

Monday, November 02, 2009

My Head Is Spinning

For all of you mothers and fathers out there who have had to figure out what in the world to purchase your baby, I commend you - it’s no easy task when you have absolutely no idea
what to do.

My head is spinning with all the advice, information and stuff out there regarding what to purchase and what not to purchase.

I had no idea there could be so many things to think about. And by the way, who knew car seats, bedding, and strollers are so expensive? Wowsers!!

This weekend my husband and I strolled into Babies R’ Us to register. After three hours and so much stuff pushed into our brains we were numb.

I then spent three more hours on the internet later that evening researching bedding, until I found the one I love….

I'm showing it to you, but please don’t tell me you don’t like it, just agree that it’s fabulous!

However I would love to know your opinion looking at the bedding what you think I should paint the room.

Any of you designers out there – please let me know! The crib looks like this:

Yesterday we had places to go, and thank goodness for the warmth and patience of my wonderful husband! He’s amazing.

We got up, ate some breakfast (I had oatmeal if you must know – with bananas and agave)

Then we took the dogs to the park and ran them around…then off to shopping where we went to Bed Bath and Beyond, The Gap, the mall, Joanne’s Fabric, the paint store, Sports Authority, and then I wanted to fall over aching feet.

Yesterday I was wearing my boots because I was playing in the snow in the morning with my dogs.

By midday I was craving my favorite shoes….

For all of you pregnant women out there…or not pregnant…if you haven’t purchased a pair of Dansko shoes, I highly recommend doing so. They won’t win any beauty contests, but they are wonderful.

If you have weak or wobbly ankles, then don’t take may advice,
because I do tend to fall on my ankles on them from time to time.

These are my slip-on faves, and yesterday I was aching for them.

So that’s where I’m at.

Oh, and if you haven’t signed up for the seminar and support group I’m offering next week on breaking free from emotional eating or mindless eating, what are you waiting for?

No excuses, just action!

See you on this blog,
