30-Day Blaster Challenge Is Coming
I am getting so jazzed about the 30-Day Blaster Challenge.
I have been working my tush off getting ready for people to have an extraordinary experience. I'm really committed to the participants dropping a dress-size in 30 days, to learn how to eat like the naturally thin, and to feel hundreds of times better about themselves and their weight.
It's been very fun getting this together. I've never done this particular challenge before and I'm so excited that so many people are participating. The other thing I love is that I will have the opportunity to really get to know some new people, their stories, their struggles and also their successes. That part I really enjoy as well as creating this.
I just completed the bonus recording that goes out on Day One of the Blaster Challenge. I have in the recording a guided meditation that will help set the stage for their success, which I know people love.
I'm getting ready to go head to Minnesota in the morning so I'm off to go pack.
P.S. The 30-day weight challenge details are at: http://www.thinwithin.com/thirtydays.htm