Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

8 Tips to Improve Mindful Eating - Lose Weight Fast

When you begin eating mindfully, a whole new world of will open up to you.

If you are finding mindful eating challenging, you are not alone. To make it easier, I thought I would provide you with several mindful eating tips:

1. Gratitude. Whether you are swinging by Taco Bell or preparing a decadent dinner, appreciate the food you are about to eat. When you appreciate, you focus attention on yourself and the food, and it makes what you are about to eat all the more special. Taking a moment to look at your food and give thanks, will also focus your attention in a positive way, helping you to stay mindful all the way through.

2. Taste. Now that you see that it doesn't take all that many bites to go from hungry to satisfied, make sure to taste each and every bite. Swirl it around your mouth and notice all the yummy tastes and textures. Don't let this bite get away from you without tasting it! What fun is that? It's not, so taste each and every bite of your meal.

3. Stop Being a Busy Bee. If you are used to eating and watching t.v., eating and working, eating and doing 14 other things at the same time, knock it off. We all have a million things to get done, but there's no reason to bring your busy life into your meals. You will be sure to take off some unwanted pounds if you make a new rule for yourself and stop doing other things while eating.

4. Sit Down. One simple way of helping yourself to eat mindfully is to eat while you are sitting. Never eat while standing in front of the fridge or preparing a meal. When you eat while standing up, whether you are cooking, snacking, or picking, you won't feel satisfied. Put your food on a plate, sit down and enjoy.

5. Slow Down. I know that you are extremely busy. Yet, I also know you love to eat. So why not pamper yourself during a meal. There's no reason to eat everything on your plate in two-minutes flat, when you could slowly enjoy eat bite of food and have a relaxing and enjoyable meal. By focusing more on the conversation between bites, the atmosphere around you, the aftertaste of each bite, and the effect each bite has on your body, you are sure to fill up on less food, having greater enjoyment at each meal.

6. Chew. You can taste each bite of food in your mouth if you chew it all the way, not to mention you will digest your food better as well.

7. Play This Game. Sometimes, we like to see if we can be the last one at the table to finish our meal. By doing this, it makes eating slow fun and mindful, all in one package. If you are the first to usually finish a meal, see if you can be the last. This is a fun way to make mindful eating part or your life daily.

8. Pause Between Bites: After every or every few bites, pause. This is a good time to check in ask yourself if you are still hungry. If you are still hungry, go ahead and eat, if not, you will know exactly when your body has had enough food.

NOTE: Sometimes you have to eat in the car, eat at your desk, or grab some food and take it with you. Once in awhile, this is fine, just don't make it a habit. If you find yourself getting caught in this situation, just take a bite of food, then focus on what it is you need to do. Take another bite - focus - then work, drive, etc.

Put these tips to great use and you will certainly see your waistline benefit from these tips.

If you would like to use this article, please feel free. I just asked that you use the following paragraph when publishing:

Marna Goldstein is the author of the international top selling e-book, Naturally Thin Secrets. Marna teaches you how to trim down without drugs or supplements using the little-known secrets of the thin. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and turbo-charge your weight loss efforts by visiting, home of Naturally Thin Secrets, and, the Internet's premiere members-only non-diet weight loss support community.

April's Penny Sale

Last month, hundreds of you enjoyedmy penny sale and you keep sayingyou want more.

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Weight Loss Study Reveals the #1 Secret to Losing Weight

A recent study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine analyzed the psychological characteristics of people who successfully and unsuccessfully completed a 4-month weight loss program. The main factors related to weight loss failure included these six areas:

1. A high number of recent dieting attempts
2. More stringent weight outcome evaluations
3. A higher perceived negative impact of weight on quality of life
4. Lower self-motivation
5. Higher body size dissatisfaction
6. Lower self-esteem

The proof is in the pudding: in order to change your weight you must first change your mind. The people who struggled to lose weight insisted on beating themselves up for falling off the wagon, they bounced from one diet to another or started off with a horrible body-image, and who saw their body as ugly, horrible and something to avoid at all cost.

Further, when participants didn’t see immediate results and bounced from diet to diet over the four month period, most found themselves in the exact same spot as when they started. What this study proved is that having stringent expectations for quick weight loss, is actually detrimental on your weight loss results compared to successful participants.

So what’s the secret to seeing permanent weight loss results?

If you want to win the weight loss game, you’ve got to start with learning to think thin.

How do you do that? The first thing to begin doing is to begin by celebrating you today. Finding positive thoughts about who you are, focusing on the beautiful parts of your body as well as falling in love with not just how you look on the outside, but the incredible gifts you bring to this world is at the forefront of seeing weight loss success; and this study proves it. Remember, your self-esteem is hinged on this fact and the more loving compassion you bring to your daily weight loss efforts, the faster your weight loss results.

The work begins with your mind. You can manage your positive mental thoughts and actions each and every day, but you can’t predict that you will see a five pound weight loss by the end of the day, nor should you set your mind and emotions up for that type of letdown. Set yourself up for being successful by being in the moment, and positive results will come naturally. By developing your brain to think loving, to think thin, and to honor your self, the better the weight loss results you will have.

Many people who desire to lose weight have not sufficiently learned to think thin. I can help! Join me for a special mind transformation 4-week workshop that begins April 20th: ttp://