Want To Know More About How To Rid Belly Fat?
If you have excess weight around your belly, hips or thighs, do you want to know how to get rid of it for once and for all?
The truth is, it's not possible to spot reduce; in other words, you can't choose where you want the fat to release and fall off your body.
For most people, weight typically comes off from the head down, so be prepared to lose weight in your fingers and your face first. Then it will trickle down to your belly...then hips and thighs.
I carry my weight around my hips and thighs. When I was learning the secrets of the thin and transforming my body, the last part of my body to transform were my hips and legs....but let me tell you, they became MUCH SMALLER!!!
If you are someone with little bitty legs and carry your extra pounds around your middle, there's good news...you won't have to wait as long as I did (and I transformed my body fast!)!
When you live Thin From Within, you'll see your belly fat, hip and thigh fat reduce, but realize it has a pattern.
Wishing you a wonderful and powerful Monday!
P.S. I will be offering a one evening session on emotional eating where I will be sharing with you 5 power-techniques to blast through your emotional eating!
For only $14.95, sign up now: http://www.thinwithin.com/endemotionaleating.htm