Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Do You Deserve to Be Thin?

Each year, I see hundreds of new faces and hear from even more voices all in hopes of slimming down, all in hopes of looking fabulous. The beginning of the New Year is a time where you too may be motivated to shed those last unwanted pounds, or the lingering “Mommy belly”, or even that tire that loves to hang around.

I want to share with you the one major difference between those that lose weight and those that don’t.

Are you ready for this?....

It all has to do with deserving.

Many men and women want to lose weight, yet as the scale lightens and as the tape measures loosens, there is a sudden pause. Suddenly, a strong jolt of fear runs through these shrinking men and women without an ounce of warning.

This fear, mimicked as your true voice, begins to ask following questions, “Do I deserve to be thin? Do I deserve the new found attention I’m receiving? Do I deserve to feel fabulous? Is it worth it?

If you are not careful, you will see your new thinner self, dramatically swell to an even larger body then you had December 28th. You’ll find yourself in the same hole, feeling the same negative thoughts, until you commit to losing weight next year.

Are you ready to transform this fear into powerful and thin generating beliefs?

Head to your mirror and look yourself right in the eyes. Look at yourself daily and say…

1. I deserve the absolute best. Each and every day I deserve to look, feel and have all that I desire.
2. I give my body the very best foods to eat when I’m hungry. My body easy and effortlessly digests every morsel of food.
3. My body and mind are magic. My body regenerates every 90 days without, and my mind can create new beliefs and practices in just 30 days.
4. I deserve a thin, powerful, beautiful body because I exist.
5. I am beautiful.
6. I am grateful for the beautiful body that I’ve been given.
7. My body tells the story of my life. Each day I can recreate a new story and my body will follow suit.
8. I am alive, my body can thrive.

Mark the statements that connect with your soul. Say those statements first thing in the morning and throughout the day. You can be one of the people that lose weight permanently. You will look back a year from now and be grateful that you took a stand for your body, you faced your fears, and you looked yourself right in the mirror and powerfully transformed your deserving a new thin you.

With love and gratitude,

Marna Goldstein
Owner, Thin From Within and


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with most everything you've said in this article, but lately I've put a new spin on how I think about "to deserve or not to deserve." I've decided to let this fear of deserving work in my favor. Instead of thinking "Do I deserve to be thin?" I've changed to, "Do I really deserve to be fat?" Or in other words, what gives me the right to eat way more than my share of food? Yes, I realize that this invokes the shame reaction in most people and even in myself, but why not let shame work in my favor also? Ever since I've been thinking this new way, I've eaten much healthier, and less food. Because I know that I do deserve to be healthy, what I don't deserve is to eat in excess or do anything in excess for that matter. My personal belief system and higher power, tells me that that life is good and abundant, but does not give me the right to over do on anything. Yes, you can have alot of food in your home, or even alot of money. But use it wisely, and share. No one has the right to hoard. And when I'm binging, thats what I'm doing. Shameful as that may be, if we want to get real with our weight problem in this country, lets get really real, and quit feeling sorry for ourselves. We all deserve to be healthy, it's our God given right. But we don't have the right to steal. I've asked myself, how many people could eat for a day, on just the food I've eaten alone in one day? There really are people in this world and in this country that would give anything to eat like I do. That to me is unacceptable now, and it's time we all woke up to this reality. I use my shame as my guide to stop eating when I'm full. It really works for me. And when I'm done eating, I don't feel bad anymore, or shameful. I feel great knowing I'm only taking what I need, and maybe alittle tiny extra for fun. But thats it. Try it, you may be surprised to know, you're a better person than you thought.

9:01 AM


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