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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Having a Frumpy Day

Are you having one of these days?

I'm out here iat Universal Studios in California for a

I just pitched to the Tyra show and E! and
they both lit up at the whole notion of thinking thin.


I was wearing jeans and a sweater when talking with them,
not my finest attire.

When I put on my black pants yesterday morning, I was
shocked to find that the metal piece on my waistband
had fallen off, so I was only left with jeans to wear.

I felt dumpy. I felt unprofessional and I felt
pretty uncomfortable.

So here's what I want you to know... no matter
whether you're a size 2 or a size 22, you have
dumpy days. The key is not to make it last or
you could find yourself feeling worse and find
yourself 10 pounds heavier in no time.

I'm heading into day two of my seminar, and
I'm sure to meet many new producers and authors.

I realize that this conference might not be
my best feeling conference, but I just woke
up, did some yoga and meditated overlooking
beautiful rolling hills in my hotel, all of
which connected me and energizing me. I said
affirmations of love and gratitude, and
I know I will eat in alignment to my body.

Despite my outfit today (who knows what
that will be), I will smile and stand tall.
I will put on makeup and look my best.

I say all this to inspire you to
do the same today. We all have "not so
attractive" days, it's normal. Just
don't take it out on your body by
overeating or sliding into a depression by
turning to food.

Stand up tall, walk with confidence and
smile knowing that you can do anything!!

You are beautiful.

Will all the love in my heart,


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