25 Incredible Weight Loss Tips
I’ve compiled some of the best tips into a list of ideas, below, for those looking to lose weight holistically. There are some great ones here, so pick and choose those that will work best for you and give them a try.
1. Cut out the weight you'd like to be and place it on the scale. That way every time you choose to use a scale, you'll see your ideal weight.
2. Remember to keep your goals in sight to motivate yourself.
3. Spend each morning feeling how fantastic it feels to have the body you have. The incredible machine your body is.
4. To be successful you need to change your life. You need to take control of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are not supporting you to be your best.
5. Get excited. You need to feel excited about knowing you can and will change your body. And by changing your body, you will feel fabulous!
6. You have to believe that you can do it. Dreams turn into reality very quickly when you believe.
7. Don’t try to lose weight. The number one indicator of excessive weight gain in the future is attempting to lose weight in the past. Don’t diet, it won’t last. Instead get up and start feeling fabulous.
8. Start to wear clothes that mak your body look its best. It may be a slighlty larger size, but it's much better to wear a larger size and feel fabulous, than wearing dumpy clothes that make you feel horrible about your body.
9. Don't snack.
10. Deal with emotions in emotional ways.
11. Deal with food in physiological ways.
12. Eat foods your body loves. Pay attention to the impact is having on your body and choose accordingly.
13. Stop watching the scale every day. If you must weigh yourself, do it just once a week — as soon as you wake up, after you use the bathroom.
14. No matter how much you want a change in your life, nothing will happen until you DO something. You can talk about starting an exercise regiment or getting coaching, but nothing will change until you START DOING IT.
15. Schedule new and exciting ways to keep yourself busy during times you know you’re vulnerable to snacking. Switch things up to help break bad habits.
16. Deal with the underlying issues of any self medicating you are doing by eating. Dealing with any underlying feelings will be a lot more effective then anything else.
18. Start by just choosing one thing. Start small. Changing your lifestyle overnight by making just one small change.
19. Tell people around you what you’re doing. This will keep you motivated to continue. Don’t ask for their support, but say “I’m on this new thing where I’m going to kick butt and accomplish my dreams.
20. Celebrate your success! New clothes, pedicures, manicures and thousands other pampering delights make awesome rewards to celebrate your accomplishments.
21. Measure your success. One fabulous way to measure your success is to take your measurements. Sometimes your scale won’t budge but your waistline will.
22. Eat slowly and absolutely savour every bite.
23. Your body may not need all the food that’s on your plate. You could eat the leftovers for lunch the next day and save yourself some money, or you could split it with your loved one. Sometimes I've even given it away to the homeless.
24. Observe your hunger patterns.
25. Eat a varied diet.
Hi Marna, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my "Using The Law of Attraction to lose weight," post. I love your blog. You've got some great tips on weight loss here. You're right, not a lot of people are talking about using "The Secret," etc. for weight loss, but why not? It works!
Kelly from Acquiring Abundance (karmicbulldog.blogspot.com)and Yesterday on Today (todayshowleftovers.blogspot.com)
12:43 PM
Where is #17? =)
5:48 AM
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