Thoughts, news and advice by Marna Goldstein Thall on natural weight loss, losing weight without diets, guided meditations, living your dreams, books, fitness, exercise, and anything else she cares to comment on, including her love for dogs, her family, stress, humor, and relationships.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Is Fear Keeping You From Attaining Your Goals

Whenever I see someone who is NOT moving toward their body goals, someone who tells me they want to see a shift, but the results continue to stay the same - it is almost always fear that is holding her back.

Fear of what?

Fear of success is one of the biggest that I tend to see.

I know it seems crazy. You want to see results so what would success hold you back. Well, hundreds of people I’ve seen over the years worry how looking amazing will impact their marriage or the reactions they will receive from others when they begin to look drop-dead-gorgeous. Staying with the known is far less intimidating then the potential to be the gorgeous person you desire.

But the reality is: When you begin to change your body, most people notice and make a comment and then move on with their day. Most people are so busy doing what they're doing that they don't really give it too much thought. Your partner may feel a bit shaken up to your new routine, but he’ll get used to it and the sex will be incredible. When you walk into a room at a party you’ll fee confident, sexy and powerful. Oh, and your work life will change too. When you feel fantastic about yourself, you better believe you’ll be more successful and work – and more success means more money!

Regardless of how fearful you are of making your body beautiful - the most important concept you must understand is that if you can be thin AND feel safe and comfortable in your skin. If you choose to move toward living thin, I have a fun new treat. I just created a guided meditation and hypnotherapy audio focused on inputting positive and naturally messages into your brain. Since thoughts create actions – working to get your thoughts to shift, will shift your actions. Fear of success will no longer be an option when you keep listening to this audio.

If you don't care about making a change then keep on doing the same ‘ol thing. If you do, this audio will be on sale for the next week. Just $14.99.

Choose thin thoughts this summer and you’ll be choosing to move past our fears. I once was fearful that people wouldn’t think I was thin enough because I wasn’t a size 2. I don't limit myself because of someone else's opinion. Neither should YOU.

If you want to attain a thinner body, if you want an improved your physique or figure, if you want to go for a walk, start running hills or shifting your self talk - this is what YOU want. Don't EVER let anyone distract you from what you want and where you are going. You are the one who decides. No one else.

Stay determined and move through your fear. Once you conquer this fear another will come – you can do it!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Marna Goldstein Thall, CHT, NonDiet Diva, publishes the weekly weight loss tips to help you see quick weight loss through a non-diet approach. If you're ready to attract a thin you by learning to think, eat and live thin, get your FREE tips and tools now at

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