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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

5 naturally thin tips to get through the weekend...

4th of July is coming up…here are 5 naturally thin tips to get through the weekend...

1. Set the intention to have a thin weekend. My clients often share with me their fear of eating out of control, eating too much, or jeopardizing their fantastic results during the 4th of July holiday weekend. If this sounds familiar, set the intention each morning to eat and live thin. Visualize yourself being in control of what you put in your body. See yourself having gobs of energy and being the life of the party. When you set your intention each and every day, you are more apt to see fantastic results!

2. Make sure you enjoy your friends and family, not just the food. Socialize, talk to friends, catch up with family members and make sure you enjoy socializing and asking questions versus just enjoying the food. Naturally thin people help out the host and take it upon themselves to be of service. Examples include helping to clean up, organizing things in the kitchen, helping to BBQ, or even go out of your way to make sure everyone has a drink. Find a job and you will find yourself naturally focusing on others, not just on the food.

3. Make a point of grabbing the good stuff first. When you see a delicious spread of 4th of July goodies. Check in first to see if you are hungry. If so, eat the foods that look the best first. Take 10 slow bites and then run around and socialize. If you find yourself hungry 10-20 minutes later, eat your next favorite foods. When you eat your favorite foods first, you will feel psychologically satisfied, and any sense of deprivation will magically disappear (this is the secret that every naturally thin person knows intuitively!).

4. Play. Get out this weekend and play with your loved ones. Play in the park, go for a bike ride, take the dogs to the dog park and walk, play in the pool, or go for a light jog. Have fun together and enjoy your weekend by getting out and moving.

5. Alternate water with your favorite drink. The 4th of July is a great time to drink your favorite beer or glass of wine. Alternate a glass of water with a glass of wine or beer so that you can pay attention to the impact alcohol is having on your body (if you do in fact drink). Have fun, but stay in control. Your body will thank you.

Enjoy your weekend!



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